Baking a better world together banner

Baking a better world together

Every day we get up to bake a better world together. Our products are high-quality, tasty, fresh and available worldwide. They contribute to a healthy lifestyle and create moments of delight for our consumers. LLBG produces sustainably while allowing talented people to grow to their full potential.

Our products

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Whether it’s loaves, buns or baguettes, we use every ounce of our know-how to create delicious flavors in every single creation.

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Delicious for breakfast, as a snack or as a sweet treat. Whether plain or filled with fruit, cream or chocolate, they're always a delight!

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The youngest product of the LLBG family is a real classic that always goes down a treat. We have filled and unfilled donuts and mini beignets to choose from.

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At LLBG, we make all kinds of patisserie, from the true classics to creative innovations that look as good as they taste.

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Savoury snacks

From mini pizzas to sausage rolls and börek: our savoury snacks are ideal when on the go and to serve as a snack or tasty treat.

Mouthwatering brands

Our brands are on the shelves of retailers across the globe, ready for consumption. Or they are served by foodservice professionals to visitors of hotels, restaurants, cafés and to-go shops.

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Supermarket managers, owners and buyers see La Lorraine as a strong and reliable partner for freshly baked or frozen bread, delicious cakes and flavorful pastries.

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Chefs across Europe rely on PANESCO due to its diverse and extensive product range, high quality, delicious flavors and often unique presentation.

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Our donuts and mini beignets spice up every counter of retailers, bakers and foodservice professionals. Incredibly light dough with less fat. Easy to thaw and serve as you please.

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Over 5,000 faces with 1 shared passion

When your employees grow, your company grows with them. That is why we believe it is just as important to enable our people to flourish and become the best versions of themselves. Whether they work in Marketing and Communication, Production Management, IT or Supply Chain & Warehousing.

Local but also global

La Lorraine Bakery Group is structured into four innovative Business Units, each focusing on its core activities and markets: Bakery Fresh, Bakery Frozen, Bakery Store Concepts and Milling. We bake in 17 high-quality bakeries located across the world.

An inspiring work environment

Entrepreneurship, no nonsense, respect for the 3 Ps, ownership and shared passion. These are the five core values that have shaped our company culture and connected our people worldwide since 1939.

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Sustainability? Our daily bread

La Lorraine Bakery Group is committed to creating a better world with satisfied employees, a healthier planet and products of the highest quality. LLBG is growing fast, but never loses sight of its people, products or the planet.

Make a difference

Make a difference

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